Evaluate and Prepare

Evaluate and Prepare

We want to know all about your business – how it works, where it makes money, who your customers and suppliers are, industry issues, regulatory issues and the risks it faces.

“Our underwriting experience means that we understand what underwriters are looking for.” Hamish Robinson

We conduct our own thorough analysis of your business prior to approaching insurers. Our underwriting experience means that we understand what underwriters are looking for and how they assess risk and calculate premiums. By presenting underwriters with an accurate informed assessment of your business we can negotiate appropriate cover swiftly and for the most competitive price.

Unlike other brokers, we don’t simply fax your proposal to insurers. Only when we understand your risk do we prepare a detailed submission for insurers and we will meet with each prospective insurer to discuss your business. We pre-select the insurers and we will only work with insurers with secure credit ratings, excellent claims reputations and a solid history of expertise in professional and financial risks insurance.

Our clients remain involved throughout the process, meeting with the insurer if appropriate.

This ensures we Negotiate the best deal for you.